Transparency Report — 1 Month Since Launch

Frenchie Network
3 min readMay 26, 2021
Zero Tolerance to FUD

The current market is shaky, we know it. We’ve seen it and we’ve accepted it as a moment where we start to BUIDL FRENCHIE NETWORK.

Meanwhile, people became restless, emotional, uncertain. The virus of F.U.D (Fear, Uncertain and Doubt), has been spread and we are here to prevent its spread. Think of it as COVID, it works the same way spread by air, with thin words of short-sighted visions and speculators that seek easy returns.

Here is what we’ve done this week in terms of Marketing.

  • We’ve spent 0.18 BTC(10.000$~) in terms of PooCoin Ads for the whole month.
  • We’ve spent 3080$ — on 4CHAN.ORG Advertising in 1 week~
  • We’ve spent 4380 Euros on Etherscan, WhatToMine, BscScan and across a network of advertising.
  • We’ve spent 1800 Euros on Mycelium Wallet & Sponsored post.
  • Waterfall Bot Ads ( 6000$~), AMA’s (2000$~),YouTube (3000$), Exchange Listings (60.000$) (Inclundes XT, BiOne, BiBox and the future one), Press Releases (3800$) .

Overall we’ve surpassed over 100.000$ in marketing efforts, campaigns, moderators, influencers, listings and more.

Asking in public chats “wen marketing” we might take it as offensive due to huge efforts done in that direction. Don’t take it personal, it’s real work and real $ put-in. In perspective that amount would have suited better in a liquidity program or reinforcement on PCSv2 pool.

The marketing effort also is missing one thing.

We as developers have noticed it, everyone is relying on just us, 90% of holders aren’t taking part of community activities and just wait it out. We think that #FrenchieGang should get as active as they ask questions like “wen marketing” , “wen listing”, and redirect that effort in actually researching the online materials available about #Frenchie and help out as a “whole” to get the word spread out there.

